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Carolena Crinoidby Tim Lowe £2.50 Carolena Crinoid is the second installment of the Andy Ammonite series. Conceived in association with the Little Princess Trust, the book tells the story of Carolena's coming to terms with hairloss due to illness. Devastated at the loss of her beautiful hair and her place as dancer in the Fossil School Show being compromised, Carolena is down in the dumps. But maybe their is still the chance she can feel her regular self once and the Little Princess Trust swings into action to save the day. All proceeds are donated to the Little Princes Trust to help further helping children suffering from hair loss due to cancer treatment. The Andy Ammonite offers a simple introducion to fossils whilst incorporating simple moral lessons. You can find out more about Carolena Crinoid and her fossil friends on their own website andyammonite.co.uk |